June 20, 2016

JVC or Start My Career?

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“I’m interested in serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps after graduation, but I’m concerned about delaying the start of my career. Advice?” —Jessica Lopez ’15

“If you come from a comfortable background and do not have to worry about your family or securing your own livelihood, then service is a great way to commit the first couple of years of your post-LMU life. It’s a luxury to help the greater good without other obligations weighing on your conscience.”
Ramona Martinez ’82

“The JVC experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It won’t be an easy year, but it will be one of tremendous growth. If you discern (make sure you discern; don’t just decide) to be a JV, be open to every experience that comes your way. You may even learn that you have a new ’chosen field.’ ”
Kristina Ortega ’01, ’04

“As an LMU grad of 1970, I say go for it. I didn’t have that option when I got out. Having service on your résumé shows initiative and resilience to a future employer.”
Fel Bautista ’70

“I wanted to do the same thing, but I did not for the same reason. I am 40 now and wish I had done it. DO IT!!!”
Jason Palmer ’01

“I did three years in JVC, working in special education and residential settings for the developmentally challenged. Thirty years later, I am still in special education.”
David Takeuchi ’81

“Be kind in giving to others but do not abandon and ignore your responsibilities that you owe to yourself, your potential spouse and children to make a living.”
Michael Murphy ’77

“Folks underestimate what a year or two of service can mean for one’s résumé. In addition to demonstrating that you are more than just your degree, service experience communicates to prospective employers that you know how to commit to something bigger than yourself and see it through.”
Elisa Rivera ’93