Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

When Two Became One

The merger of Loyola University and Marymount College 50 years ago was a hugely significant commitment on the part of the university’s sponsoring religious communities.

Hunting Demons

James Keane ’96 remembers the fear he felt at 14 when he saw “The Exorcist.” He still wonders if exorcism can rid him of the demons in the world.

Central Valley Grandeur

Jasmine Marshall Armstrong ’00 describes how the Ignatian spiritual tradition shapes her poems and how she sees the natural beauty of the Central Valley where she lives.

The Long Road

The unrecognized voice in the night, the burning bush — the Bible offers multiple examples of sudden callings from God. But Ignatius’ journey to his vocation was a long one. We don’t all get knocked off our horse one strange day.