Editor’s Blog
Acting and Thinking
Life on the LMU campus during the months of June, July and August often matches what I imagine European summers to be: cities that have been vacated by their citizens who have gone off to breezy, pleasanter climes. It’s quiet here, and the pace of life seems slower. But the dog days aren’t always dull. […]
The Lauridsen Celebration
Twenty years ago, Morten Lauridsen premiered his “Lux Aeterna,” a choral piece that was performed by the Los Angeles Master Chorale under the direction of Paul Salamunovich, who was also professor and director of choral activities at LMU. The event is looked upon as a landmark in choral music, as is the composition. The piece […]
A Ballade in a Minor Key
One of the highlights of the academic year for me is a piano recital by Wojciech Kocyan. To hear some of the world’s great music performed live by a virtuoso is a rare opportunity and gift. Kocyan gave another of his annual concerts this past Saturday evening, on Nov. 19. Murphy Recital Hall was full, […]
The Farm Round-Up
Yesterday, Jan. 24, Brenda (Kirsch) Frketich ’06 was included in a front-page Washington Post story about women farmers. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration at LMU and now runs Kirsch Family Farms, which has been in her family for four generations, in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Written by Elizabeth Zach, the piece explores a […]