Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

Sursum Corda Turns 25

Sursum Corda, now a quarter-century old, started through an encounter with a person in need who selflessly told a couple of LMU students there were others in more need than she was.

The Road to the Pros

U.S. sports culture for many adolescents, from middle school, or younger, through high school, seems increasingly characterized by a trend that leads young athletes to the narrow pursuit of excellence in just a single sport. The potential rewards are significant: advanced athletic development, personal satisfaction and even college scholarships and free tuition. But less obvious are unsentimental statistics that paint a starker picture of the frequency of that level of athletic achievement. Here is a look, in numbers, at the very narrow road to elite athletic success.

Sam Lagana ’84

Sam Lagana has been the stadium voice of the NFL Los Angeles Rams in the Coliseum for the past two years, since the team returned to the L.A. area.

Heroes and Villains

Joe August been an avid gamer for almost as long as he can remember, and he works in the field now. We asked him to tell us about his favorite video game good guys and bad guys.