Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

Life Sciences Building

On Oct. 5, 2015, LMU’s new Life Sciences Building was dedicated with a celebration of more than 400 alumni, local government leaders and friends. We asked some of those now teaching there to describe a feature of the building they especially like.

Hunger Strike

David L. Ulin explores political reality and fictional dystopia in “The Hunger Games” films with director Francis Lawrence ’91.

Minority Treatment

When Japanese-Americans returned to Los Angeles from internment camps in 1945, their struggles continued. Edward Whelan, S.J., president of then-Loyola University, did something about it.


Technological change is reshaping the music biz and rerouting revenues. Who is singing odes of joy or songs of lament?

World Limit

The Jesuit contribution to the sciences can be gauged by 35 Moon craters named for scientists and mathematicians of the Society of Jesus.