Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

Who Are We?

The people of Los Angeles have had many names since 1850, complicating their sense of place. But each is a part of who they are.

Play Works

Martin Hernandez says his chance to participate in Playworks as an athlete and, now, a junior coach has changed his life.

The Lessons

Kenzie Izzard, a junior teacher with Girls on the Run, now mentors young girls who are enjoying the same opportunities that she did.

Equal Play

Should a child’s access to recreation depend on ethnicity, family income or geography? Renata Simril ’93, CEO of LA84 Foundation, says never.

Looking for Sepulveda

Driving the length of Sepulveda Blvd., a major city arteries, is a sojourn along a border between L.A.’s past and present, and its living and its dead.