Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

The Accidental Sea

Formed when the Colorado River flooded in 1905, the Salton Sea now poses an environmental dilemma that some describe as an unsolvable problem. Prof. Traci Voyles says simplistic solutions probably won’t help.

Sushi Scam

Fish fraud — species substitution — can occur anywhere in the fish supply chain: where they are hooked, processed, or even served at a restaurant in your neighborhood. Prof. Demian Willette documented mislabeling of fish in sushi in more than two dozen L.A. restaurants.

The Broadway Lead

Ana Villafañe ’12 has been singing since childhood, and now she sees her name in lights every night on a Broadway marquee as star and lead in “On Your Feet.”

Scary Politics

Threatening messages often are central to political campaigns, and opinions abound about their effect on elections Bethany Albertson ’99, professor of government at UT Austin, decided to run experiments to see how voters react in the face of political anxiety.

Student Impact

Contributions from alumni, donors and benefactors have made Loyola Marymount University the respected, dynamic institution of higher education it is today. “Right Place. Right Time. The Campaign for LMU” enhanced the university in five key areas.