Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Joseph Wakelee-Lynch

Articles by Author

A Life in Exile

Elias Wondimu spent his first 20 years growing up in Ethiopia, a country riven by civil war. A casualty of that strife has been the nation’s history itself, which leaders often rewrote or erased. Wondimu is determined to secure his nation’s history.

Middle of Nowhere

The U.S. middle class, which was built with New Deal policies of the 1930s, has been getting squeezed and shrunk for decades. But what are we doing about it?

A Ballade in a Minor Key

One of the highlights of the academic year for me is a piano recital by Wojciech Kocyan. To hear some of the world’s great music performed live by a virtuoso is a rare opportunity and gift. Kocyan gave another of…

Come Together

Every Oct. 23, the anniversary of Sam’s death, LMU’s theater community reconvenes at Sam’s Corner to sing and play Beatles songs — Sam’s favorite music. The annual concert is well known as BTLS4SAM and draws up to 150 people.

All About His Women

Pedro Almodóvar says much of his childhood was spent in the company of women as they cooked and washed clothes. Women not only framed his life, they shaped his films.