Category: Articles
‘The Door is Open’ Is the Message
The LMU Career Development Services office is casting a broader net — in the form of job search advice, résumé polishing and interview tips — to help alumni job seekers.
John Lasseter
John Lasseter came to SFTV’s Mayer Theater in April with a 25-year pedigree of accomplishments.
Mary Milligan, R.S.H.M.
The résumé of Mary Milligan, R.S.H.M., was long; her impact is equally long-lasting.
Big Day
Big Day, the third of the three days of LMU’s Special Games, is one when the present moment is all that matters. Months of preparation — by service orgs, Greek groups, the Student Veterans Group and others — morph into a springtime afternoon whose only purpose is to have fun, make friends, and celebrate physically […]
The Native Spirit
Daniel Smith-Christopher’s “Christianity and Native America” course may be the only U.S. college offering that includes six days of classes on a train. But riding the rails is more than a novelty.
The Fruit of Old Vines
Talk to Christopher Silva for a few minutes and you may start thinking that age is your friend. He’s convinced.
Tara Erdmann ’11: Why I Run
I was never a runner. With a closet full of shin guards, cleats and soccer socks, running shoes were what I threw in my bag for soccer conditioning.
Chad Zdenek ’97
A Porta-Potty jacked up on sugar rockets flies 100 feet into the desert air. A hydro-jet pack fashioned from fire hoses lifts a man out of a lake. That’s the stuff of “It’s Effin’ Science,” a G4 cable network TV series co-hosted by Chad Zdenek.
Beth Katz, M.A. ’08
For her students and others around her, Beth Katz purposely sets simple examples of how to live a more sustainable lifestyle. “The best way to spread a message is through your daily actions, making the little changes you can make in your own life,” she says.
The St. John’s Bible
Before the printing press was perfected, copies of the Bible were produced in a long, laborious process by monks.